Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)

FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS DESPATCHES CLOUDY TODAYt WARMER TOMORROW NOR'WIQrV CONN, -TtitouAY, MARCH 16, 1920. A Bulletin Want Advertisem*nt Will Get It WANTED Mala WAjrTKD Steady, ptnboy. at The 1 Aetna Alleys. Wage f18 per week, marled A Bulletin Want Advertisem*nt Will Get It WANTED Femala waited A man. with family, ot I tlntit.

to work on a farm; house gxes wUft II. Tel. H7-4. WAJITKD KrpeTlenced chauffeur. I Apply to ox JS6, Plainfleld.

Conn, inarlfcd A1TKT) Man for farm work. I Jinn n. Hyde. North Franklin. Conn.

1 T-iphoue i I-etmnon. marlBd U'tWTKD At once, young man for work; experience not necessary I but preferred; must be rood penman. rapid and accurate In figures; good chance for promotion. Address P. O.

i 1-ox No. 173. Bookkeeper. New London, conn. mar8d WXTKT Experienced engineer qualified with steam turbines and witchbosrd.

Apply Danielson and pis.nhe.d Gaa and Electric Plain- held. Conn. marld. 1 BOY WANTED Over 18 Year Old, to Work As Soda Clerk. Experience Unnecessary.

Good Chance to Learn the Trade. Good Wages to Start. Apply BELL'S 144-146 Main Street WANTED The names of boys who are willing to get up in the morning and earn some money carrying papers. Frequently there are good routes. Get your names on rile and be ready for the first vacancy.

Call at the Bulletin Office. A CHANCE for handy women with the needle. We have about 100 Ladies' Coats which are out of style; your choice the cioth remains loth; you can overmaKe mem dren's coats or ladies coats. t.ioui i very 'high today. rn coat ii.n, The Pasntk Co, Norwich.

llllmantic and Danielson. marl6d WAVTEO A maid, to- work certain hours daily. Mrs. Arena Colt, 4i Oneco fct, marioo. WAJ4TK1J A number of Elris for steady employment on piecework.

Ap ply to in MaKuiiL.i.uLii6 Danielson, conn. lei. mariou A JSTED Housekeeper, of middle aae. in family of two. Address Box laO, Bulletin Office.

marlOd WANTED Capable middle aged woman to assist with lig-ht housework; no laundry. Address Box 513, City. marlOd WASTED A competent cook. Apply evenings to Mrs. William Known, Carroll Ave.

Tel. Si 2. mariid A Bulletin Want Advertisem*nt Will Get ii A Bulletin For Sale Advertisem*nt Will Sell ft WANTED Miscellaneous S3.50 PER DA paid one lady in each town to distribute iretr circulars tor Economy rlon-aiuuiioiic flavoring; permanent position. Jj iS, B'arr Chicago. marltid WAITRESS Aprons, full size, La a-ies' Jersey iiioomers, 47c; ladies Bilk Hose, 3S)c; ladies' Fine Mercerized Hose, seam, back tdpswich).

77c, Worth SI. The Pasnik Co. sell tor less. Norwich, Oanieison and WiUimantie. marlOd FOR SAL13 Two tenement houses, -one six iamily, one tnree tamily.

all rented; owner in town lor nays; must be sold at once; price very -reasonable. S. Levine. lsl iviain il-timantic. Tel.

991-3. marl6d HE CATEK to those who demand intelligent care of t'he hair and facei Undgren, 1D6 Thayer Bldg. mar loci WANTED Old false teetn, Ub'erty bonds, aiamonds, money loaned on liberal terms. The Collateral Loan lit Water Sr. inear dhetucket sep2id WANTED Second hand chicken wire; state price and quantity.

Address A. B. C. Bulletin Oirice. WANTED Experienced waitress, at once.

161 Main St. Wong Wing Restaurant. mar4d WANTEn A young or middle aged woman-' for general housework; no cooking; must be pleasant to children; excellent pay and fine home for right party. Apply Mrs. Charles Gordon.

259 West Main St. mar2d WAITED Cook. Call at 100 Town St. any day except Monday. feb24d steady janlid WANTED Girls; good pay; work.

The Turner-Stanton Co. LOST AND FOUND I 0T Monday. violet ray auto lens rrl m. Shetucket St. and Manual.

Finder kindly notify K. Kiacier. Jfi; Uroirdway. marlHd I r'T two week" ago. white, -own rrnxf-d bird dog.

Finder notify marl5d AND GASFITTING CALL UP 734 With or Without Gas Attachments but Always EFFICIENT and ECONOMICAL MODEL RANGES We furnish Repairs for all makes of Ranges A. J. Wholey Co. 12 FERRY STREET A CHANCE for handy women with. the needle.

We have about 100 Ladies' Coats which are out of style; your choice the cloth remains cloth; you can overmake them for chil dren coats or ladies coats. I lotn is very hieh today. The coat at The Fasnik Norwich, Willimantic and Danielson. marlfid WANTED A COMPETENT STE.V OCR APHF.R FOR GENERA DICT ATION IN MILL OFFICE. ONLY QUALIFIED STENOGRAPHERS CONSIDERED.

WRITE BOX BBS, III I.I.ETIN OFFICE. WANTED A small farm within a miie ot Jewett City, with good water, for butcher business. Otto Czikowsky, Taftville. Phone 617-14. mar lid WANTED To drill you a new well or your old well deeper.

A. n. n.ari, Contractor for Artesian Wells. P. O.

Box 240, WiUimantie, Conn. marlOd SPRINt; COATS for women and children. Forget the high prices and think of the 1'asnik Co. mar9d FOR SALE FOR SALE -House five rooms and store, neaVly all modern improvements; -must sell at once, Ovcncr leaving town. Inquire 6 West Thames St.

marliid FOR SALE Chester White sow. due to litter this month. J. Kice, North Franklin. marl6d FARM for sale; 41 acres, 8-room house, barns, buildings, well fruited, lot of wood, nice place, good home, level, can use New London market, Norwich 7 miles, 1 miles from trolley, one 50 acres, 6-rooiri house, barns, other! buildings, fine- piace, well come and see' them, S1.S00.

James N. Watrous. FOR SALE Two heifers cow. Telephone 996.. and orie marl6d FOR SALE Registered Holstein bulf calves; one 4 mo.

old, a beauty, price $80, dam milked 50. lb. per day; one 2 price $50, dam last year as 2 year old milked 45 lb. per day; these wijl be money-makers for their owners. -Write, 'phone or.

call Valley Farms, North Franklin. marliid A Bulletin For Sale Advertisem*nt WU1 Sell It FOR SALE $6,750 Will buy fine 9 room residence, large corner lot, with barn, located near Backus Hospital. Inquire Box 335, Care Bulletin. WANTED Seven or eight room cottage or flat. Address Cottage, Bulletin.

mar9d- WANTED An experienced pastry baker, either man ui- woman; good wages and steady work. Victory Lunch, 252 Main St. WANTED Boarding home in country for boy of 17 in lrail health. Address tilO Kim New Haven, Conn. marbd FELLAH laid a nickel and a dime on our counter.

The nickel rolled off. Why didn't the dime? Because it had more sense! Peerless cigar, Gc each, i2.oi a box. Mild iianila cigars 5c, six lor 25c. fa*gan's Smoke Shop. mar3d WANTED Second hand, damaged automobile radiators, any condition; will pay highest price.

The Johnson 17 Franklin Norwich. Conn. feb27d MUSIC 92 FRANK G. BENSON Teacher of Violin ORCHESTRA For Dances. Weddings and Receptions, Fifth Street.

Phone 1251-13 T. F. BURNS Heating and Plumbing FRANKLIN STREET F-hone 531 Modern Plumbing is eseemial in modern nouses as electricity is to lighting. We guaran-I tee tne very best PLUMBING WORK If tipcrt workmen at the fairest pricn. Ask us for plans and prices.

F. TOMPKINS 67 West Main Street Ernest E. Buliard TEACHER. OF THE VIOLIN PHONE 127-4 BLISS PLACE I HAVE A FEW OUTFITS TO LEND WANTED To buy second haiv' furniture. Get our prices before you selL A.

Bruckner. 55 Franklin St. Phone 17-3. jama FOR spring delivery, C. O.

trees, shrubs, vines, rose bushes and perennials; guaranteed Address James C. No. 5S Washington St. marl5d FOR SALE Pigs. Asylum St.

Inquire at SISi marlod FARM for sale; 70 acres, all kinds of fruit, S-room house in good repair, cement cellar, steam heat, open fireplace, electric ligSts, all improvements, garage, good barn and 4 henhouses; an ideal poultry farm. C. A. Hasberg, 310 Main St. Tel.

G52-2. maritTuThS BABY CHICKS and custom hatching; book your orders ahead. George- W. Adams, 65 Wiliiams bt. Phone 1402.

tebilSTuTh WANTED Raw furs, every Thurs day, at H. A. Hcefcner's, Water St. A. C.

nov4d V.ANTED-All kinds raw furs, hides and skins. A. L. Mills wnl be at Tallow 'Xalman every Saturday tiii further notice. no.vld WANTED To nuy veai caivas.

18c lb. up. beef and tlairy cattle. Call E. Glauoinger, Colchester.

Ct. Tel. Si. aug2d3 FOR SALE Yorkshire pigs, weeks old. for IS cents per pound, live; two registered Yorkshire brood-sows.

Triad L. Wilson, Canterbury. marl3d FOR SALE One new milch enw, Guernsey, calved March sth, rich milker, test per cent. Fred Duerr, Smith's Corners, Franklin. Ct.

Tel. S7-5 Lebanon. marlod 50 WAITING to purchase desirable homes. List your property with Archa W. Coit Real Estate, Investments Fire and Auto Insurance Telephone 1334 63 Broadway A Bulletin To Let Advertisem*nt Will Rent It TO RENT TO RENT Furnished rooms for lig-nt Housekeeping iu good location.

lei. iai-LZ. marliiu TO RENT Cottage on the Otrobando road, live minutes' waiK to troney. Inquire George a. PecK.

Otrouanau Ave, Town. Puone ut.4-li. marlsu FARM for rent; stock and tools; goou cnance for smart man. E. M.

office. marled FUR KWl' Tenement o-I six rooms, best location in tne city. Apply Fairmount St. Chanes Kubin. marUd FOR RENT In Majestic building, cood sized room formerly used bv the x-arthenon duo; also two other space suitable iit- light manufacturing.

Apply loraii boa Co, Lonaon, CL marl-d A Bulletin To Let Aavertuement Will Rent AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES BODIES and cabs, for motor trucfes, including all Ford sizes; Ford touring and runabout bodies taken as part payment or bought for di.count to dealers. Lewis L. Falcs Corporation, 3)7 Dean Providence, R. marllTuTh TOPS FOR FORDS One-man top complete, with side curtains; we also have rear curtains with bevel plate glass; both in stock and ready to at tach. Lewis Fales 307 Dean St.

Providence. K. I. marllTuTh A Bulletin For Sale AdYertisem*nt Will Sell LEGAL NOTICES FOR RENT 34 Happy St, one tenement of four rooms, with all modern improvements. Inquire at 43 Fountain SL marltd TO RENT The first floor in The Huntington, lie Broadway, nine room nardwocd floors, steam heat and janitor service; the finest apartment, in the best location, in this cay.

Inquire of Shea at Burke, 41 Main SL marlOd FORDS painted: $25 for touring; and roadsters, in black only; color extra; very Dromnf worn. lwl L. Kales cor poration, 307 Dean Providence, R. manid FORD OWNERS Does Tour car start hard? Have you poor lights? Hare your magneto recharged in the car while you wait. Norwich Weldlnir Chestnut St.

Oct 154 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORY SnOP. In business section of Danielson, Automobile Accessory and Repair Shop. This is a grand opportunity to secure a good business. Apply to' JOSEPH BODO CO. Real Estate and Imsurnnce.

Box 422, Dnnielson, Conn. STORE for rent on. Franklin well within the business district. Inquire of Ailing Rubber Co. marSd SMALL FLAT for rent, set tubs, gas and electric lights.

Inquire of Rubber Co-. mar6d TO RENT Cottage 19 Forv particulars, call 554. Slater Ave. STORAGE Household roods stored for long or short term; rates reason- aote. fanning; stuaio, sz nroaawar.

decSd TO RENT Furnished rooms; also rooms for light housekeeping. Apply at 1UC School St. Phone aua-Hd FOR SALE Automobiles FOR SALE Good will sell same for $jU cash. II. Foster, Z'J Otis St.

marled FOR SALE International 6 h. p. engine, mounted on truck, and saw rig; also two 10 weeks' old pigs. Tel. TS51-12.

I. W. Foote. marl2d FOR SAI.I-; Wooden props, cheap if taken at once. White Star Clothing House Co.

marlJd WANTED Antique furniture, mirrors, colored glass, silver, historical china, old books, and old lettei-s. A Bruckner, a s'rankiin sl. Tel. 717-3. maylfid WAITRESS Aprons, full size, 97c; Lsriies' Jersey Bloomers, 47c: Ladies' S.Ik Hose, 39c; Ladies' Mercerized Hose, seam back (Ipswich).

77c worth $1'. The rasnik Co. sell for lefs. Norwich. and.


112 GEEII, THE PIANO TC.VER. St. I'hone all. FREDERICK T. BUNCE The Piano Tuner Phone 83d -2 22 Clairemont Ave.

I ROBERT J. COCHRANE GAS FITTING PLUMBING. ST LAM HEATING Washington Sq Washington Building Norwich, Conn. Agent for N. U.

O. Sheet Packing. BUILDING Cover Yourself By Cover'ig Your Steam Pipes With ASBESTOS STiM PIPE COVERiNG Save the price of covering by saving the coal in your bin. Now is the time to apply this covering, an4 you can find all sizes in stock at THE PECK McWILUAMS Central Wharf. FOR SALE i-iorses WANTED WINDERS AND WARPERS Experienced or Learners Only first-class silk usod Good Wages Steady Work the' -windham silk company Willimantic FOR SALE N- milch cow.

E. C. -Willcox. Tel. 39-4 Jewett City.

marlOd Sl'RPRISK yourself and visit the millinery department at the Co. Very iarge stocks at very low prices. Hundreds of sample hats, one of a kind. The Pasiuk Co. sell for less.

marSd FOR SALE Metz Cars, Touring, Roadsters and Runabouts, in good running order, prices from $1uo to $uU0; also Tires. Tubes, and accessories of all kinds. Slarting liatteries, 6 or 12 volts, prices very low. one 'ii h. p.

Motor, in good order Skill Chains, S3 pair. One High Tension Magneto. $20. Metz parts for all models. MET, AGENCY, Danielson, Conn.

22fi. Phone 133. I'SEU CARS Ford ton truck, 1919 model, worm drive, express body, wit" canopy top, pneumatic tires; Ford touring, 1 1 J. nne condition, tires al most new, price rlgnt; Ken isu tour ing, 4 cylinder, passenger. over hauled and painted.

Csed trucks from one-half to two tons. Overland model no, touring. The Frii-bie-McCormick al bheiucket Conn, marltid FOR SALE Indian motorcycle, with side car; also litter of coon nound and pointer, puppies. J. Hmzuo.

Willi mantic, rt. s. L. i. Tel.

iii-i. marlCd AGNES NDOWEI.L FRANKLIN VS. Albert Franklin, tiuppieaienul. Orjer State of Connecticut, lounty xew London, London, if area 1Z. 120.

I ma the romo.imt C.I IT.e a.j Ao-n KnBk -a. -iaimira. for the reasons therein, set forth. now pending before this Court, having been returned thereto oa the firf Timtilav nt llM-Rlbr. 1911' It appearing to ana oein- ihm this Court that Albert Franklin, the said defendant, is absent from this State and rone to oarts unkaown, and Inat nnflo lhe MDdencT Ot complaint was given as required by order of notice heretofore issued, end now the plaintiff asks for a lancer rri 1 1 1 1 In lh Rmniwl.

Therefore, ordereo. mat jiottrw i nniWnev nf mid comnjaint be ritfii hv niihlishina- this order is The Norwich Bulletin, a newspaper pntd in Xorwlcn. "Ore a ween lor two weeks successively. eommrine on or before the 16th day of Marco. 1920.

Br order if court. "fIFy-IR-GE E. PARSONS. Clerk of the Superior fourt fr New London County. mariTB KEI.IJR F- arXTRR TS.

FUtK K. Hnuaders. Supplemental Order ef Xotlre. Hute of Connecticut, county Ixindon, New London. March Iz.

I'pon the Complaint 01 tne rsia Nellie E. Saunders, claimifia. for the imih therein set forth, a. divoroe. now peadiog before this CSvrt.

harlnc. neen returned tnereto ise Tuesilav nf December. It anpearinr- to na oeinr inosn ot Ihls Court thst Frank K. Patmders. the mid defendant, fs absent from this Tnunor and machinery gears often einp uur en.uiu I complaint was riven as required or SERVICE will ouicklv nla the wn, I order of notice heretofore and back into service at a fraction of the coat of a new part and in very much shorter time.

We weld auto, machine, agricultural I Norwich a newspaper priated I In Id is-am- ir.nn frt-m i VMI tfT equipment and other parts of any I two' weeks iurcessi'veW. nmmtndiic now the plaintiff asks for a farther order of notice i the premises. Therefore. OrdereC. Thst none or the pendencv of said complaint be given by piibll-hlng this order la The REMNANT SALE At 205 WEST PfiAIli STREET Still Going on ITALIAN AGENCY sells Foreign Money Orders and Steamship Tickets for all parts of the world.

Packages of all kinds delivered in all parts Europe. Heal Estate and Fire insurance. M. FORJIIGLIO, 31S Frnnklin Xorwich, Conn, riione 7 mar4d WILL BUY near Chelsea Parade, eight room cot-taae house with aii modern improvements, hot and cold water, gas, electric set tubs, and new steam htating garage iVir car, an extra building iot For full particulars, see A.

V. COVtiLLO, fel. GS3-3. IDS Cliff St. FOR SALE Twenty-two brewery horsey; our breweries are ail closed and out nice stable ot hoipes must ail he sold; nice matched pair, y.inns and souno, s.ngle liursc-s, toe best in the world, price upward; if you want a nice pair or a yoiiMr silicic horse.

look everywhere tlien -ump I our brewery and see the nice pairs for a little money; IS sets double team Harnesses, 14 neavy single express harnesses, biankets, one car we allow 14 diiys' trial, snip all hores free. Sue riupt. at our brewery and stable, corner of Gilmore nad Lester Pr-iviuthce. H. I.

Take Cranston St. ear, get off at Ciilmore one minute walk. Tele-plmne Gaspee marltid Fill ATE party wishes to dispose of nice bay horse. years, weight sound, is fat and rugged, has worked for me every day for 14 months. true worker, single or double, as I have used him both ways, would make excellent farm horse; no reasonable offer refused.

Call at once at residence. ir3 Franklin ring bell. marl fid AUCTIONEER Successor to W. B. WILCOX Phone 405-5 Norwich cr Phone 581-3 Jewett City 1 Post Office, Norwich Town LpWELL J.

WILCOX FOR S.4LE Farm and family horse, age S. sound! safe, accustomed to all kinds of farrr work and one of the best plow horses I have, ever seen; if we jou1 tind some kind old person in the country who would assure him a good home, will make the prico SSo; sickness 'ompels me to sell. Call at 13 Franklin top bell. marl lid FOR SALE One pair heavy team horses. youne and good workers, a' real team for heavy work: three voung i.jwa.

huun in rrpsnen; price and trial by request. J. Downing, Flainfielr) Ct Tel. after 6, 22-5. marl 5,1 CO.

WILLIAM C. YOUNG Successor to STETSON II TOUKO CARPENTER and BUILDER Best work and materials at right trices by skilled labor. Telephone 60 West Main 8L HOTELS American House D. MORR1SSEY, Prop. First-clasa Garage Service Connected, Phone Shstucket Strwt DEL-HOFF HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN HAYES BROS.

Props. Telephone 1227 26-28 Broadway BOWLISG A 1. 1 FT BOWI.ISG AKI). BILLIARDS AT Tni3 ACT BOWI.ISiG A1I.FTS, I BlU-DISO. JUST ARRIVED Thev are here! Twentv.oit-Vit of the blocky type, and suitable fof all Kinds or work, you can find a nice pair or a gentle single horse.

Come nd see them. We will sell or trade. ELMER R. PIERSON. Tel.

ES6-3. Jan26d MONEY pro iQAna 63 FfanKiin Su On Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches and all Personal proo-erty at a low rats of interest. Unredeemed pledges for sale. LIBERAL LOAN CO. Norwich, Conn, AN ATTRACTIVE EIGHT ROOM COTTAGE Near Chelsea Parade PRICE James L.

Case 40 Sh.tucket Street Meat and Grocery business ior saie risri't in Norwich good uoins a business of per week; last wtek's receipts bi, all cash. This store has the test of equipment, 2 new cash regis ters, 1 electric coffee mill. 1 ele-tric maroie siaos, a new meat reirigerator loxi, othce weil urnisaed. stock pack cd to the ceiling, and will sell for i sacriiice price it taken at once. Owin to the owner's health he is compelled to sell, and I consider it a rare oppor tunity.

This place is doing the business an-1 you cannot go wronjr on such a purchase. Meat cutters and cierks can lie retained if desired. If you are kiokiriK lor a nice business, DOVT DELAY, phone at- once to F. I. RACINE.

Keai Estate and Insurance, Danieison, Conn. Phone jan27d FOR SALK One 1917 seven nassen- ger Faige. newly painted and been run less man i.uuu nines. Hie A. Swan Co.

niarlOWTuri FOR SALE 1917 seven lassenger Chandler touring car. Box I. this ot- nci oi none 2o evenings. lui-izu FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac car with new commercial body, electric light and self gtarler, new storage battery, tires in fine condition. Tel.

1S51-1J. W. Foote. marl 2d nature if made of metal. Estimates gladly submitted.

NORWICH WELDING CO. SI Chestnut Street Norwich, Conn. Foil SAI.K and second har.u Harley-Da iiison motorcycles and slue-cars; come in and look mem over. Nor-wich Cycle 44 Water mar2d FOR SALK One Ford truck in good condition; prue reasonable. Robert J.

Cochrane. Washington feb26rl CONVERSE TIRES FABRIC Guaranteed 6,000 miles Ford Sizes 7,500 miles CORD Guaranteed 10,000 miles THE T. J. SHAHAN CO. NEXT TO POST OFFICE FOR SALE or exchange for horned cattle.

Hi-ton Bethlehem truck capable of carying 2' tons. 1319 model, one new Oakland touring car. six cylinder. 1819 modei, one Uriscoe touring car. 'Viy.

model, one Saxton six cyiind-r touring car, 1S17 model, one Hudson seven passenger touring car. one Ford delivery triu k. Address William J. howler. West Will.neton,' Conn.

Phone U19-14 Willimantic Div. LEGAL NOTICES. BIDS WANTED Bids received until 6 o'clock p. March SI, 1920, for the construction of sewer extensions within the limits of the Borough of Danielson, Tow" of Killingiy, as follows: 50 feet in Franklin street; SOU feet in North -street from the intersection of Joyce and North streets to Wheatley street, and 450 feet in Wheatley street to Morin avenue from the intersection of Wheatley and North streets Plans may be seen at the office of the Clerk of the Borough of Danielson. Address all bids to the Sewer Committee, Bnr-oiisrh of Danielson, Danielson, Conn.

The committee reserves the rig-ht to reject any or all bids. CLINTOX W. ATWOOD, D. E. JETTE; Sewer Committee.

Dated at Danielson, this 10th day of March, 1920. marl2d NOTICE HOR 50. head, 28 head that have been here one week that are, alf acclimated and srood broke; also some good second hand horses, wagons, harnesses, new and second hand. If you need anything in the horse line come and see me. J.

HAMILTON S71. 873. 375 Mai Tl. Residence 1212, Stable 650 CIGARS. Whitestone Cisrars are $53 per thousand.

t. F. COSiA.VT. 11 Fraaklla St. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Superior Court to be held in and for the County ot New London at New Lonaon on Friday, March 19, 1920, at 111 o'clock a.

for an order authorizing the Receiver of The Shore Line Electric Railway Company to suspend service upon that portion of the Norwich and Westerly line running from Hallville, in the Town of Preston, to the Pawcatuck river, the same being- the dividing line between the State of 'Connecticut and the State of Rhode Island, until further order by said Court in the premises. ROBERT W. PERKINS. Receiver. FOR Rare chance to secure a big bargain in a Cottage House of 8 Rooms, modern improvements, within 10 minutes' walk from The Marlin-Rockwell Shop.

For further particulars inquire of JOHN A. MO RAN Real Estate Broker Franklin Square NOTICE! TO TAXPAYERS All persons liable to pay taxes in the Town of Franklin. are hereby notified that I have a warrant to levy and collect a tax of 20 mills on the dollar on the Town List of 1919, pav-able March 20. 1920 (also personal tax). For the purpose of collecting said tax will he at the Town House "in Franklin.

March 20. 1920. from 10 a. 2 p. at A.

R. Race's store, on April 4th. from 10 a. m. to 12 same day at Town House, from 1 p-m.

to 3 p. April 2. at Elis'na Lathrop's house from 9 a. m. to 12 m.

All persons neglecting this notice will be charged legal lees and additions as the law directs. Dated at Franklin, March 8, 1920. GEO. mar9TuSTu A. KAHN.

Collector. SALE Good Seven Room Cottage and Shop or Garage, with large lot Price $2200. Laurel Hill. quire of THOS. H.

BECKLEY 278 Main Street Phones FOR SALE Sachem (New Market) Hotel I offer for sale to close1 an Estate, the above Real Estate, consisting of the Hotel, Barn and other buildings, de sirable for Hotel and Store with Garage, or can easily be arranged for three tenements. With the property goes several building lots adjoining; located on Boswell Avenue, and on trunk line to Providence and Worcester. For particulars FRANCIS DONOHUE CENTRAL BUILDING Phone Norwich, Conn. FOR SALE SEASONED WOOD SAWED FOR STOVE OR FURNACE CHESTNUT WOOD FOR KINDLING. HARRY B.

FORD Tel. 792 233 Main Street FOR SALE: We can give immediate delivery on Maxwell Touring Cars at S'. oil; Chalmers Touring Cars at 11.700; Maxwell 1 1-2 Ton Truck at -These prices are delivered. If you contemplate having a car for next spring oettcr older it now as the price may be hieher and delivery delayed. Second hand cars.

Time payments ar- II. Anderson. Danielson. conn. lei.

zi Maple St. tfoctlid. or before the Iih day of March, 1M. By order of fourt. GEORGE K.

1ARJrr1. Clerk of the. Superior Court for Wew I.ondon mantra DMTRICT OP BOTR4H. FOFRT of Probate. March Estate of F.rnet Taylor, late or Bosmh, In said District.

Wrea. Vhe Administrator havinc applied (or an order anthoritine; and empowering Mm to sl! certain real estate be- lonalnr to said estate, as Der aspll- cation on file more fwlly appears. Ordered. That the isth dsv of Miffll at o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court of Probate in Bnsrah, be. and the same Is.

assigned for a hear- Ins: on fhe foreromc apnnratlon. and this Court dire-ti. Hie Admintotrator cite all pernons interested therein to spnear at said time and iihri, by h- nsninr mis oraer or notice on time In some newosper hivlnr I clreis-tion In ald District, and by poodsr a -opy on the public 4rnpot ta the Town of Bosrnh, srhere t'he decesee4 last dwlt, at least three dTS befwe said, day of hearlnr. snl return make' to this of the nofre tt-en WARBHAM W. BENTLFT.

marIM Jadr. Firestone Tires, Mobiloils, Tire Accessories. A. F. GREENE Phone 1299 331 MAIN STREET NOTICE DENTISTS DR.

ALFRED RICHARDS DENTIST Office Hours: 9-12 a. m. 1.30 to I p. m. Wed.

and Eat. Evenings 7-J Room 305 Thayer Building Tel. 299 Residence tel. 1525 DENTIST DR. EDWARD KIRBY Room' 107, Thayer Bulding Phone 61t Hour 9-12; and 7 te 8 p.

m. Auto Radiators REPAIRED AND RECORED Thoroughly Tested L'nder Air Pressure LAMPS AND MI'D GUARDS Straightened and Repaired GAS TANKS AND PANS TO CFDER ALL WORK GUARANTEED WM. E. SHAN LEY 499 MAIN STREET, fEast tide) NORWICH. CONN.

FOR SALE Cm-ill f-irm rsH nw Kii-i i rura nj 1 et a It mllV rnttts situated one mile lrom Franklin square. Owner wishes to sail on account of other business. J. KATHOP SO VS. Insurance nod Real Ktte, 28 Shetacket -Norwicb, tnn.

FOR SALE Good 50-acre farm, well- located pleasant surroundings. 8-room hooise tirst class condition, 1 large barns' poultry houses and outhuildings. 20 acres nice nelds. pasture. 10 acres woodland, plenty fruit.

Only SjOO cash required. TRYOK'S AGESiCY, Willimantic, Cons, $750 DR. R. CHAMBERLAIN Dental Surgeon M'Grory Building Norwich, Conn. FLOUR, GRAIN AND Insist on grettln Duluth Imperial or Hecker-Jones Flour of yourrocer.

Try our Scratch Feed and F.eef Scraps; will make hens lay. Phone 320-5. GKEEXEVILI.F, GRAIN CO. BOOKBINDING BOOKBINDER JOSEPH BRADFORD Slank Made and Ruled to Order 1Q8 Broadway WHEW YOtr aitt to nut your business beforn the public, there is no medium better than through- the advertising: i.i Builetla. Buys 3 Five-room Cottage all furnished.

TJiis is a wonderful bargain situated as it is in a quiet village not over a 3 minutes' walk to trolley. The cottage has electric lights and the furnishings are antique. Investigate. A 60 Acre Wood Lot for J600 part cash several hurlred cords of wood and some timbci. A rare bargain.

Send for Wilcox's Farm Bulletin (Choice of 400) William A. Wilcox FARM SPECIALIST 41 West Broad Street, Westerly, I. Rooms 1 and 2. Telephone 2363 DRUGGISTS Our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil With Hypophosphites is recommended for coughs and colds on the lungs. DUNN'S PHARMACY 50 MAIN STREET DR.

F. JACKSON DR. D. J. COYLE DENTISTS 263 Main Norwich, Conn.

Office Hours: 9 a. m. te Telephone v. m. OVERHAULING AND REPAIR WORK OF AL KINDS Automobiles, Carriages, Wagons, Trucks and Carts Mechanical Repairs.

Painting, Trim, ming, Upholstering and Wood Work. Blacksmith ing in all its branches Scott Clark Corp. 607 TO 515 NORTH WAIN STREET The taitparT of CnlcheMer, are herrtijr notified that I hart hi W7 bands a rate hill with -wsrrant attorned for the collection a Iz mill -tax on list of Vfher. lsis. dje and par able April 1.

aim, a permnal tax of tl anfn'l'all persons liable for a personal tax. I will mt the tTrT-ers daily at the office lvlvd Shea durina" the month of April to receive the same. All persons nea-iectinr ttils notice-will be dealt with as the law directs. Colchester, Conn, March IJ. ISM.

TIMOTHT F. KFLLET. inarUS Collector. AUCTIONS LOWELL J. wrLCOX AuctWnr AUCTION We will sell at public aucrioa on the farm known as the Victor Adams farm.

situiited in Town ot Lisbon, one miie from Versailles, en 8 ATI' RD AT, MARCH 3TH, Ia, i at 1 aVIvrk aa, the following described as 4 horaaa. 1 cow. 4 pig-s. 1 double dump cart, 1 pair double harnesses, household turaitara consistina: of iron beds sad priass. I commodes, 5 rocking: chairs, Morris chair.

10 dining; room chaira. larrt loosinc classes. 4 mnall staads. ex- 1 tension tables. 2 courhes, 1 Plna-er sewins; machine, nearly new.

mat- trees. 1 feather bed. 1 kitchen ranee. sitting; room stoves, small run I clocks. 4 bureaus, dishes and eookine; utensils, and other articles too Burner- ous to mention.

Terms cash. If storm, sale wft I taae piace lonoming baturasy. KE.VDALi, ft BPECTB. TRUCKING AND TEAMING CEO, LAMBKRT. OCCIM.

Trlepbaae S17-12. Long Distance Truckinc and Moving. TKAVI.ti and movtng: long distance trucking a specialty. John H. Ford.

tJJ Main St. Phone 792. nov27d ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW T. E. BABco*ck Attorney-at-Lavr Removed to 44 Shetucket St.

RESTAURANTS VTA fKP WHEN TOU ARE IX TOWN. TRT THE VICTOHY IX.VCH. SUt Maia SC THERE ts no aaTerrtstnr medium la Eastern Connecticut quai to Tbe Bulletin for business results. C. O.

JUSLW 2SI3 West Mala St. successor to John Wood ma note, lig-ht and heavy teaming: local and long distance furniture moving a specialty. tel. S57-I. C.


St. Phone 0T. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVTNO. TEASIXS rRCCKIJfO dona very promptly and at reasonable prices. ARTRXR U.

LATHROP, Shetucket SL Phops ITS. STANTON (Telephone Lebanon 1J-5) AUCTION I will sell at public auction at asr farm, formerly known as the Hewitt place, situated in the Town of Lebanon, on the road leadlnie from South Windham to Lebanon Center, aear Ike Hanco*ck Hill fchooltaouse, ea WEDNESDAY. MARCH M. I9a, at a'rtoek a. as.

the following- described property: 14 bead of higa grade Ho, stein cstue. I new milch rows and 19 due to freanea between- now and time of sale (tbaae are a choice lot of good yonsx cawi snd were all raised on tne farm bjr Mr. Brady). 1 2 year eld Holstein bull a 1 two-horse spring; tontn harrow. 1 horse rake nearly aew 1 two- horse mowing; machine.

1 cultivator, 1 manure spreader Curtiss. low down, eajsy pulM. 1 Concord bnrrv. llsrht drivinic harness, 1 knapsack sprayer, iorce pump, i carriag-e neater. 1 grindstone.

2 wheelbarrows, 1 corn sneiier (nearly new). I Pianet Jr. punter IcompHrl, 1 g-alvanized trousrh, 1 II-caa milk tank (a stood onei. 1 't-tmnt DETECTIVES CIVIL AMI) CRIMINAL CASE Investigated. Write FoMofflcu Box 472.

Norwich. Conn. octlld UNDERTAKERS The Henry Allen Son Co. 88 MAIN STREET FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM1ULMERS Lady Assistant. Telephone 410-2 David H.

Wilson. Willard J. Way extension ladder. I other ladder. about 100 bushels of oats, i bushels of corn, several milk cans, palls, -ropes, chains, forks, hoes, shovels, household furniture, cevisistingr of stover, beds, bed sprinars.

lamps, pictures, dirtes. 1 set andirons. 1 old spinning- wheel, and several other articles toa numerous te mention. If stormy, sale next fair week tar. Caterer in attendance.


TRKRE ni aavet-iinng- medians ia Eastern Connecticut enua. TBe t'-r aaaulta. X. H. LEVY, Instructor.

Chamber of Commerce Hall. Phon 1747 or 1241-S. Private lessons daiiv. fiprinr term class for beginners Monday. April i.

p. m. Advanced class Thursday. April 8. I p.

m. Dancing clashes now formlag. tviTEX tod to put your bus. neaa befara to' pavi-z. there la med iim tban 'hrourn the aa-vanlsinat cclys af Tba Buiietra,.

Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.