Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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Waterville, Maine

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PAGE TWELVE WATERVILLE (MAINE) MORNING SENTINEL TUESDAY OCTOBER 18 1938 SKOWHEGAN NEWS OICE 96 WATER STREET PHONK 2 Chicken Shoot airfield Intoxication Cases Joan were in and Mr Mills Is a Mclntire Greenlaw an Military uneral at and 65 of Weenie Roast of Wesserun rival Skowhegan Personal Notes The Truth Dame de Lourdes Clr Anne CRUS! A NO THER ATA PHILADELPHIA TRADITION Independence Hall jt iLs i BOTTLED IN? BOND 1 the the 1 HA PLAN i AMOUS SINCE 1894 i Officer John Miller Madison Chief John DeHetre arrested home Mr been tour avenue a meet ard of directors of ITH Coda 12 Sentinel Carrier Boys Now Vieing or ContestHonors her fourth birthday Sunday at the outside guardian Er land Row home of her parents Mr and Mrs elU District Deputy President Haz Williams are is much im Whittier of Nancy Hams on a ride to Moose East Madison was town yesterday I head and return by way of Bine forenoon on business I ham Although the special subscription contest for Skowhegan and Madi son carriers of the Morning Sent inel started only last Wednesday already several of the local carriers have turned in substantial increas es on their routes and are making an effort to win this contest Roderick Cyr is at present lead ing all other local carriers in the competition Others who are close behind include Walter Lavallie Maurice Labreck and Sheldon Smith Before the present week is out no doubt several other Skowhegan will be in the running The contest will end on Nov 9 and the winner will enjoy an air plane trip to Portland a visit to the Gannett Publishing Co build ing a fine dinner and supper and a moving picture show or football game Two respondents' were arraigned before Judge Maurice Merrill in municipal court here yesterday on Intoxication charges They were Alton Bushey of town and Charles Pratt of Madison both of whom pleaded guilty case was filed while Pratt was sentenced to 30 in jail and was committed Bushey was arrested by Skowhegan Ponce Police Pratt The second of a series of regular chicken shoots being held each Sun day this fall at the ord field shoot ing range under the sponsorship of the Somerset ish and Game As sociation was staged Sunday af ternoon with a large field of en trants Rifle matches were won by Harry Leighton Edward True Smith and Paul Coolidge The skeet competition was won by Edward Thibault while Dollof and Laney drew a tie in the trap shoot in BONp OlSTIUJMC CORPPWlt TaktBjJ ATHER JOHNS MEDICINE Officials of Simon Peters Post No 16 American Legion announced yesterday afternoon that this post will conduct military services for Past Commander Errol Chase The funeral services will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 from the home 142 Madison avenue with Rev Thomas Spencer Cleaver as the officiating clergyman Legionnaires are requested to as semble at the Legion rooms at 130 Wednesday and from there will go to the Chase home in a body Military services with a squad will be conducted grave PINT Codes Ax All State Store funeral home the time te announced later Rhiiel James Dalhoh' er who survived a gun battle federal agents here Columbus last year in which two of his gang 3' ster cohorts were slain failed kJ Washington today to obtain a Su preme court review of his death tence for the murder of an i State policeman Community about the nurse Athens Tom ox of Skowhegan was in town Sunday to visit his sisters Mrs Ernest Cook and Miss Mar garet ox Harold Kelly who is employed by the Harris Baking Co of Wat erville is enjoying a vacation Mrs lorence Taylor and grand son (were in Skowhegan Saturday Mrs Clarence Hilton and Miss Ethel Hilton were in Waterville Saturday Howard Hight was in Skowhegan on ousiness recently riends of 6 pleased to learn he proved In health A joint installation sett lodge and Winona Rebekah lodge was held Oct 8 The officers of Wesserunsett lodge were installed by District Deputy Grand Master Lloyd Collomore and staff ol lowing are the officers: Noble grand Paul Barker vice grand Mylon Nason secretary Tibbetts treasurer Alton Littlefield warden Chester Bunker conductor Clar ence Luth chaplain red Collins right scene supporter George Rick er left scene supporter Kenneth Chapman right sirpnorter Archie Hall left supporter Ava Hall right supporter of vice grand Scribner Cayford left supporter Manley Na son inside guardian Howard How At the parsonage of the Bethany Baptist church Saturday evening occurred the marriage of Miss Lois Greenlaw daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Greenlaw of Twelve Corners Solon and i Kenneth McIntire son of Mr and Mrs Clyde McIntire of Solon Dr George Merriam the Bethany Baptist pastor performed the single ring ceremony The parents Mr and Mrs Har ry Greenlaw of Solon were present and also two friends Mr and Mrs Vernon Dickinson of Skowhegan Mr McIntire Is employed in the Ameri can Woolen plant at Skowhegan and they will reside on Avore street in Skowhegan Mr and Mrs McIntire have the best wishes of relatives and many friends and have been presented with many useful beautiful gifts firing the APARTMENT TO LET 3 Rooms and Bath Call After 430 7 Center Stv Skowhegan Tel 127 21 1 Sweet Potatoes Will Be Distributed In Town Today The selectmen have announced that a shipment of sweet potatoes has been received and will be dis tributed tolocal people whose nanies are on the list made up for the pur pose of relief by the State Welfare department at Augusta The amount of potatles received totals 4870 pounds Those who are eligible may re ceive an allotted amount today at the selectmen's office by bringing their own container Kern (son and daughter of Augusta were in town Sunday calling on Mrs Mary Kennison Ths Misses Kathleen and Jean Boyle Who spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Chris Boyle have returned to their studies athe University of Maine riends will be sorry to hear that the 13 old son of Mr and Mrs Roy Billings had the misfor tune to receive a broken leg near the hip Saturday The sister was carrying him when she fell causing the breaking of little Ar leg The baby is in the Sis Hospital in Waterville and Mrs Billings is in Waterville to be near him Little Arnold will have to re main in the hospital for six weeks Miss Stella LeBlanc of Boston was in town Saturday and Sunday calling on her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph LeBlanc riends will be pleased to hear that Ralph Mounton who has been a patient at the Thayer hospital in passed the weekend at her home th Madison and on Sunday attended the Taylor reunion held at the home of Mr and Mrs Archie Taylor in Starks red Gray superintendent of the Madison Water District was a recent business caller in town Geoige Young of East Madison was a business caller here yesterday County Attorney Clayton Eames was a business caller in Portland yesterday Mrs Ruth Stevens of the Modern Beauty Shop left Saturday night to attend the International Hair' convention in New York City Mrs Sally Martin has closed her beauty salon here and has gone to Madison where she is employed in a beauty shop Levi Sawyer and Elmer Russell of Madison were business callers here yesterday afternoon Miss Annie Laslcw of Madison was a caller in town yesterday Carter of Palmyra Mrs Elizabeth Smith and1 daughter Lucille Re freshments were served The decora tions were colors Mr and Mrs Joseph Grace were in Skowhegan last evening where Mr Grace attended a meeting of the Lions club and Mrs Grace at tended a bridge party at the home of MrsHowand Butt Mr and Mrs rank icing have re turned from Moosehead Lake where they visited Mr and Mrs Camille Lavesseur The Ruth group will meet with Mrs Addie Thomas Wednesday af ternoon Mrs Addie Luce and Mrs Pearl Brown will be assisting host esses Peter Skills of armington will be guest educational lecturer on Italy Holland Germany and Switzerland at the Baptist church Thursday eve ning Oct 20 at 745 A small admission fee will be charged Mr Mills is a graduate of Colby college Boston University and was admitted to the Maine Bar last August At present he is with the law firm of Locke Campbell and weea in Augusta very able and interesting speaker Rev Samuel Young of Melrose Mass New England district super intendent of the Church of the Naz arene will speak at 730 tonight at the local Nazarne church Main street This service will be open to friends as well ai church members ollowing the public session Rev Young will confer with the church board on the state of 1 the church Rev Samuel Young a native nf Scotland came to this country as a young man and five years agd was elected superintendent of the iNew England district Mrs Dixon returned yester day from Houlton where she has been visiting relatives MADISON LOCAL NEWsl Correspondent and Subscription Tel 68 2 45 East ront St Upstairs 4 ROOM RENT Bath shed porch garage Sep arate entrance 3 minutes walk from Water St Apply Grace Huff Tel 552 4 Mr and Mrs Ralph Jewell of airfield were guests Sunday eve ning of Mr and 'Mrs Burrill at Ralph's Inn in Canaan Mr and Mrs John Nelson of Ca naan visited at Weeks Mills and in Gardiner Mr and Mrs Ralph Reynolds and friends of Lynn Mass came to Skowhegan Sunday and visited with Mr and Mrs Reynolds brother and wife Mr and Mrs Amos James at their home" on Hanover street The following Skowhegan peo ple have gone to Portland to at tend meetings of the Rebekah As sembly of Maine Mrs Mary Hur ley a past president of the Rebekah Acenmhlv Your first sip will tell you real bonded whisky with taste and character all its own Made from fully ripened and ma tured a whisky of superior quality at a reasonable price Try it ering was held riday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs red Cox on Greenwood avenue Mrs Cox was assisted In serving by her sis ter Mrs Helen Stanley of Corn ville Mrs Marion Moore Mrs Christie Pratt Miss Jean lemming and other ladies After the lunch games were played Miss Ruth Dun lop and other played the piano and there were several vocal solos sung and community singing with many LHmng pan Rev Mann was present Never Neglect A COLD ANNOUNCEMENT If you are afflicted with any kind of foot trouble get in touch with SHOE STORE at once We have the best news for you in years The most comfortable and corrective method of OOT CORRECTION known Write or come fat No Obligation SHOE STORE 27 Water St Tel 510 2 (Next to Skowhegan Savings Bank) PERMANENTS $195 $250 $350 $500 $750 Self setting with luxurious ring let ends Hair cut and beauty 35c Thrift Permanent Wave Shop 7 Island Ave Skowhegan Tel 574 Now with the change of demands will be made on your ru fi serve risk lowered vitalttv Greeting Cards 'occasions WADDINGTON'S INC? Buys who had been ta ill health for a long pe riod 'of time died late yesterday af ternoon at the home of Mrs Elsie Sabine on Leavitt street The body was taken to the funeral home of Thomas Lord on Pleasant and iOddle streets I Mrs Spinney was born on Aug 31 1872 in Brighton the daughter ofliver Kimball and Lois Ann Grant Kimball or many years she had resided at Lakewood She leaves a daughter Mrs Lyle Mitchell ofakewood and two sons Leroy ofCast poland and Lester of South and another daughter Mrs Gillis Willey of Mechanic alls also rwo grandchildren one sister Mrs Elizabeth Harville of Summer street Xkowhegan The funeral swill be held Thursday 1 to build up greater bodily resistance i juimy yourseii against coins other seasonal ills by taking ather John's Medicine No amount of advertising alraiJi could possibly have built the repute M' tion and success that ather John's You Can Paint Your House with 1 aOS hutch Master Paint for as little as Wee eluding Labot At the Strand today Edward Robinson in The Amazing Dr cl*t terhouse with Humphrey Bogart Mrs Thomas Lord motored to Waterville yesterday afternoon to bring the body of Errol Cleveland Chase who died Sunday morning at Peter Bent Brigham hospital to the funeral home on the comer of Pleasant and Middle streets uneral services will be held Wed nesday at 2 at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Eben Chase 142 Madison avenue Rev Thomas Cleaver minister of the local ederated church will officiate A large number of Skowhegan fans were in Gardiner Saturday afternoon to attend the Skowhegan Gardiner game re'gent Mrs Catherine Graves and Mrs Annie Brown a matron at Officers to serve the circle for the the State Reformatory for Womenf coming year will be elected After the election refreshments will be served under the direction of the regent Mrs Catherine Graves and Mrs Dorothy Bilodeau Mrs Burrill and Mrs John Nelson will hold a social party Wed nesday evening with games and cards at Inn "Canaan Malcolm Margaret and Philip Burrill of Canaan and Miss Mildred Watts of Clinton motored to Houl ton Presque Isle and ort airfield over the weekend and returned to their homes Sunday night Mr and Mrs rank Tibbetts of Waterville entertained Mr and Mrs Burrill of Inn Ca naan on a motor trip Sunday and took them to 'dinner at Blethen House at Dover and oxcroft Mrs Grace Tilton motored to Waterville Monday night where she is taking a course at Colby college Mr Selden itzgerald of Canaan and Mrs Alice Cleveland of Skowhegan Sunday entertained Mrs Grace Weeks Mrs Parsnn and CONTINENTAL DISTILLING CORPORATION PHILADBLPHIA Medicine has earned and maintaina for eighty four years unless it proven value and merit i 1 Committal Service The body of Mrs Clara Steward who died at the home of her son and wife Mr and Mrs Harry Steward recently at Medford Mass waa brought to Skowhegan for burial in the Abel Steward lot in the South cemetery Saturday af ternoon Al committal service was held which was conducted by Rev Thomas Cleaver minister to the Skowhegan ederated church At the committal service were Mrs son and wife Mr and Mrs Harry Steward and son Wal ter Steward of Medford Mass two nephews Roy Dunbar of the State Road to Waterville and an other nephew and wife Mr and Mrs Ernest Dunbar of Center street Skowhegan Mrs Steward was Q5 years of ageon Oct 12th She was bom in Skowhegan oh the State road to Waterville op the Dunbar farm She lived in Skowhegan until she married Walter Steward and went To Lynn Mass to reside and she resided there until the death of her husband and then she went to'Med Jord Mass to reside with her son and wife Mr and Mrs Harry Stew ard Mrs i Steward is survived by one son Harry Steward and two grandsons one sister Mrs Evelyn Emery of Stoneham Mass el Collamore and staff of Pittsfield installed the following officers of Winona Rebekah Lodge: Noble grand Althea Lancaster vice grand Miriam Eustis secretary Annie Tibbetts treasurer Evelyn Tuttle chaplain Tessie Bartlett warden Gertrude Rowell conductor Marie Dunton inside guardian Nona York right supporter of the noble grand Lottie Roberts left supporter Em ma Bunker right supporter of vice grand Abbie Hilton left supporter Lillian Littlefield pianist Helen Littlefield uneral services for Abbie ox wife of rank ojf were held at the home Sunday at 1 Rev Elizabeth Mank officiated in the presence of many relatives and friends The floral tributes were beautiful Mrs ox was the tain daughter of James and Lizzie Ladd Taylor She and her twin sister married two brothers and the two couples lived in one home for 48 years Besides her husband and twin sister she leaves one son Ed gar of Athens and four ronrl i 'children While Mrs health I was frail she seriously ill but a few hours and her death was ashock to the community She was a member of the Union church The bearers were her neighbors: Paul Barker William Leighton Wil liam Lancaster and George Buzzell i nose irom Ray ox of Rangely Mr arid Mrs Clifton landers of i Guilford Harmony: Mr and Mrs Lynn Gien Hartland Mr and Bert Taylor of Skowhegan Mr and Mrs Harry landers and of Skowhegan Interment was in Mt Rest cemeterv There is no place in the State where you ean jet properly fitted glasses at lower prices than at DR A BORDEN 30 Ygars in Same Location Phone 46 100 Water St Skowhegan well Miss Myra rench Mrs Ora Valliere Miss Alice Danforth Mrs ern Packard Corson and Mrs Pearl Nutting Mr and Mrs Selvin landers of the Malbons Mills road and their guest Mrs aunt Mrs Amy Packard motored to Auburn Saturday and were guests until Sunday night of Mrs sis ter Mrs Celia Miller formerly of Skowhegan when they returned home Among those from Skowhegan who are attending the Grand Lodge of Odd ellows and Rebekah Assem bly of Maine meetings In Portland this week are Mrs em Lockard Mrs Belva Ellis Mrs Elnma ol som Mrs Ora Valliere Miss Myra rench Miss Alice Danforth Mrs em Corson Mrs Mary Hurley Mrs Grace Whitney Mrs Lena Blackwell Mrs Eliza Petty Mrs Pearl Nutting Mr and Mrs True Ellis and Mr and Mrs Robert Greene red Chase was in Boston last weekend where he was called by the serious illness and death of his brother Errol Chase Mr and Mrs Lyndon Huff and child and Mr mother Mrs annie Huff enjoyed a motor trip to the Height of Land on Sun day William Hawes was in Water ville Saturday afternoon to attend the Colby game Mrs Rose Murphy was the guest of her daughter and husband Mr and Mrs i Harold Palmer of Mount Pleasant avenue over the weekend Mr and Mrs Cole Bennett and Mrs Emma Doneker were in Wash ington counfy Sunday visiting with relatives of Mrs Bennett Edmund Landry of Madison was a business caller here yesterday forenoon Mr and Mrs Howard Grey of Waterville and Mr and Mrs Jerry Snell of town motored to Bar Harbor Sunday and enjoyed a shore dinner Deputy Sheriff Clyde oss of Norridgewock was a business caller here yesterday Mrs Pearl Nutting is a guest at the home of Mr apd Mrs Otis John son in Portland for a few days this week John DeHetre Madison police' chief was in town yesterday fore noon on business Allanr Wentworth was a hn iness caUer in Jackman vesterdav Mrs Alfred Coombs and her son Sonny of Kennebec street have returned from a two uwlrc visit witiY her parents Mr and Mrs Oberrenber in Bethlehem Pa and vjsiting her brother George Oberren Ker in Quantocp Va Mr and Mrs Harry Steward and son Walter Steward of Medford Mass who came here Saturday with the remains of Mr mother Mrs Clara Steward who died Oct 12 and who left after the funeral riday afternoon Mr and Mrs Cecil Staples and son Junior and Milford Bemis of Wellington were guests Sunday of their sister and husband Mr and Mrs Clifton Paradis at their home on Mount Vernon avenue Mr and Mrs Walter McGowan of Spring street are parents of a son bom at the maternity home of Mrs George Merrill of upper Middle street The baby has been named Brian Lawrence McGowan Mrs Amanda Kelley and two sons 4X IJIViUC UI 4XCL LKUCJIU3 1VU HIW1 IVIES Beuls Ware of Chapman place Ten supper guests of Mrs Keeley mX and husband Mr and Mrs Ernest recen ma ny nlce Sifts and games Dunbar of Center street Mrs Grace Sargent Thomas is and Norns' have substituting at the Junior high moved to the Dyer house on Main school where she formerly taught before her marriage for Mrs Belva Mr and Mrs Raymond Carter Ellis while she is in Portland at were iven a surprise party Saturday tending a meeting of the Rebekah evening at their home by their chil Assembly of Maine meetings dren Mr and Mrs HUman Carter Mrs Helen Stanley of Cornville and Mrs Robert Bray Mr and was in town riday evening attend Mis Mason Carter Mr and Mrs Leo ing a weenie roast and party of the I ortin and Phillip Carter Church of the Nazarene held at the Games were played and a social home of her sister and husband Mr time was enjoyed Mr and Mrs and Mrs red Cox on Greenwood Carter who are soon io move to avaniie Benton where they have purchased arl a student at the a home were presented a beautiful Cobtlm Classical Institute at Water I wicker chair narenUPeMr Others present were Mr and Mrs MrS Clifton Par" Sam Thompson and daughter Sarah I aenU Mr and ed Carter Mr and in WeSy a and about a week of her son and wife 5 Dr and Mrs rank Twadell re aughte Elsie Mr and Mrs turned to her home on Banti st will Charles Adams Mr and Mrs Thursday night Miss Bertha Paine who boards with Mr and Mrs Stillman Holmes of Baptist Hill has gone to Madison to visit her niece and husband Mr and Mrs orest Preble red Chase who has been in Boston because of the illness and death of his older brother Errol Cleveland Chase returned to Skow hegan Monday afternoon I Mjss Betty Meader a home econo mics course student at armington Normal school came to the hotne of I her mother Mrs Evelyn Mead'er of Main street riday might and iipent the weekend Miss Virginia Cursis a pupil qf the same course at the State normal school at armington camp Saturday night and visited her parent Mr and Mrs rank Curtis of Beech street until Sunday I night' Dr Douglass Dysart a foot spec ialist of Augusta was in town Mon day to meet patients and visited his people who reside in town Monday morning at 8 o'clock at the Notre Dame de Lourdes church an anniversary mass of requiem was held for John Miller Mrs Rose Borden one of the church organists presided at the organ and Mrs Rosalie Cote and Eli Lapoint mem I bers of the church choir sang Paul Lane of West ront str a At and Miss Bertha Sirois of the Back You Can Paint Wallnanr vnu 1 AC road to enjoyed a motor wailpaper your tnp to Quebec and return Sunday Home (6 rooms) for as low as P9r 1ek Earle Petty Jack Simpson and eluding Labor ruuiur iNason nave gone to Stratton ALL PAPER A paints it on a ten vacation ard hunt PAINTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES ON THE MrsPDaisy Merrill secretary DOWN PAYMENTS! of the Skowhegan Nursing service will speak Miss Julia Wilson at the meeting o' Notre Dame de Lourdes Circle Daughters of Isabella this evening at 745 at of cL hall Assembly of Maine Mrs ern Bis hop Lockard: a past noble grand of Priscilla Rebekah Lodge Mrs Belva Ellis past noble grand of Priscilla Rebekah Lodge and Mrs Hmcna olsom who are to re ceive the decoration of Chivalary The following are in Portland at tending the Grand Lodge meetings: True Ellis and Mrs Robert Greene Mrs Eliza Pat tv Whitney Mrs Lena' Black Mr and Mrs George Marr of Weeks Mils ard visiting in town at the home of their grand daughter and husband Mrs and Mrs Harold Palmer Mount Pleasant avenue Clinton Ketchum of Norridge wock was in yesterday after noon on business! Mrs George Bigelow and Mrs Samuel Bigelow and Mr and MrS Edward Butler of Pelham were weekend guests of Mrs Edith Wescott Cornville They arrived here Saturday and returned home yesterday Deputy Sheriff Leroy Beckwith of Cornville was a business caller in town yesterday aftrenoon Carroll Mitchell of Pittsfield was in town yesterday afternoon call ing on friends Archie Dostie and Charles Quinn attended the Bangor Winslow football game at Winslow Saturday afternoon The first meeting of 'the fall of the Home Makers Club of the Skowhegan ederated church will oe neia Wednesday evening a rank Thibodeau rank Thibodeau about Milbum street dropped dead in the pines lower end of Milbum "street inere yesterday arte moon it was A weenie roast and social gath night fror? county au tigate the death Thibodeau had gone into the pines in the afternoon as had been his custom officials said and was strick en suddenly ill and died 'about 330 County Medical Examiner Dr Stinchfield who with Dep uty Sheriff Henry A Lessard was called to investigate pronounced death due to natural causes stating I that Thibodeau died of a shock ITTrfTiev? Kt The Nazarene pastor daughter Mrs Ernest Dulac of Mil num High school boys and girls of the Methodist church school will have a supper at 6 o'clock followed by a social in the evening Mr and Mrs Millard Schmeer of Portland Oregon who have been the guests of their cousins Miss Gertrude A Curtis and Mrs Hatch and daughter Miss Hazeltina leit bunaay tor their and Mrs Schmeer have ing the state Mr and Mrs Ralph Gibson have returned to Newport after passing several days with his parents Mr and Mrs Gibson Mr and Mrs Gail Pdllard have returned from New ifork and Massachusetts where they passed a few weeks with relatives The ellowship League will continue their rummage sale in the Burgess block Wednes day afternoon Mr and Mrs Joseph Grace were in Portland Saturday evening where they entered their 7 months old Scotch terrier Heather in the dog show at the Ex hibition building He was awarded a blue ribbon for the best in his his particular class William Norton William Norton died Sunday at the home ol his daughter Mrs rances Mercer in Pittsfield: He was born in Newburg Sept 1872 the son of Mr and Mrs Wallace Norton He was a former resident of this town uneral services will be held this afternoon at 3 at the La wry funeral home on Win chester street Mr and Mrs James Balcom have returned to their home in West Springfield after visiting Mr and Mrs Parker Mr and Mrs Bal com were former residents of this town Mr and Mrs Noyes Wentw'orth and Mr and Mrs Arthur Rollins and Harlow Hayes passed Sunday at the White Mountains The Relief Corps will meet Wednesday afternoon in their hall to tack a puff A covered dish supper will be served at 6 roiiowed by the meeting of the Corps at 730 Alton Murray has returned to his home on High street from the hospital where he has been a patient for seven weeks with a broken leg The Hour Club will meet Thurs day afternoon with Mrs Elizabeth Reed in Benton and Mrs Mary Cromwell 'will have the paper A surprise party was given Mar guerite Campbell riday night by Miss Lois Bragg of 11 High street in honor of her 14th birthday Those present were Marilyn Jones Marion Colwell Theresa Julia Beverly Ger ry Arlene Witham (Doris Newell Mary Bowker Muriel Weeks and Marguerite Maheu Delicious refreshments were ser ved and games were enjoyed by all Miss Campbell received many presents Little Miss Elaine Ware celebrated Madison Personals Mrs Goldie Bryant of Madison accompanied by Mrs Jefferey Sheaff Mrs Carrie Walker Mrs Anson Williams and Mrs Lyda Ketchum of Norridgewock went to Portland Monday afternoon where they will attend the Rebekah As sembly of Maine and will return to tneir homes Thursday Mr and Mrs Conrad Mrs Imogene Spinney Mrs Imogene Spinney 66 Kennebec Valley Grange Meeting Is Well Attended A meeting of the Kennebec Val ley Grange was held at the Grange hall Saturday night After the business meeting a short program of musical selections was presented A tableau was given and a birthday observance in honor of Charles Towne a member of the Grange Raymond Dean master of the local Grange presented Mr Towne with some smoking material ive beauti ful birthday cakes were presented to Mr Towne on behalf of members pf the Grange The next meeting will be held in three weeks and will be an exchange meeting with the East Madison Graflge Members of the East Madison Grange will be invited here and a degree team from there will work a degree a degree team from the local Grange working another degree Salvation Army Appeal Is Made or $500 Quota Miss Rena LeBlanc Is Guest at Surprise Party Miss Rena LeBlanc was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party held Sunday evening at the home of her mother Mrs Emma Le Blanc' The affair was in honor of Miss 18th birthday anni versary Games and music were en joyed by those present The room was attractively decorated in orange and black At a convenient hour a buffet lupch was served by Mrs Eva Daigle Miss Lauria Maillet and Miss Mary Anne Allen A beautiful birthday cake nicely decorated for the decoration and made by Mrs lossie Leo of Skowhegan was cut and served by the guest of honor Those present at the party were the Misses Evelyn Maillet Lauria Maillet Georgia Sloat and Nellie Sloat Mary Anne Allen Marjie ortine and Jacqueline Daigle Henry Allen Arthur Allen Clarence Currier reddie White Richard White Leo LeBlanc and Maxine Le Bland The out of town guests were Miss Geraldine Leo and Miss Geraldine Bilodeau of Skowhegan 52 WEEKS TO PAY! ATLAS WALLPAPER PAINT CO Inc Wholesalers and Distributors 30 Main Street Phone 110 Waterville Me CLEAIN UP! WALLPAPER and PAINTS WashaMes A Sunfast 100 Pure The Salvation annual ap peal to Skowhegan and djstrict is now being made The quota for this district has been set at $500 Many local residents have received in the mail a letter of appeal accompanied by a gift card and envelope which may be mailed to th4 treasurer for this district Others will hand their contributions to the authorized col lector when he calls I Congressman Clyde Smith is chairman of the Skowhegan and district committee while At wood is treasurer The committee of Sponsors for this district of Hon Clyde smitn rc is At wood Audet Dr A Rodden EJ Clough County Attorney Clay ton Eames and Sheriff Martin Gallant all of Skowhegan irst Selectman Charles Snell Harold Bl Cildwell A Christopher Dr 6 ward Reed and Prince all ofl Madison rank Ames Henry HUton and Daniel Jones of Norridgewock No Serious Injuries Are Reported on Indian Squad Thkt Gardiner injury jinx is broken! or several years in succession a Skowhegan high player had re ceived a serious injury in the Gard iner game but the local squad came out of hard fought game at Glurdiner in good physical shape There were the usual minor bruis es to several players but no one was reported seriously injured Burnell received a sprain ed "afrist in the game but this In jury is not expected to keep him but of future games Coach Myron Collette gave the players who saw service in Satur game a rest yesterday after noon Only those on the squad who 'did play Saturday were requir ed to turn out for practice yester day I Coach Collette devoted his Hme to training the string ta the undamentals of the game yesterday This afternoon the Indians will buckle down to a week of intense practice in preparation for their invasion of Winslow next Saturday afternoon Coaches Collette and Wally Gleason will groom the lo cal 'gridsters thoroughly for this game Skowhegan is hopeful of pinning a defeat on Bill Black Raiders as end the Madison Bulldogs Lehigh Coal Soft Coal Dry stovey ood for sale We de liver coal in truck load in any surrounding town at reasonable HI CS A JEPSON I Skowhegan church for a 6:30 supper wiu please take dishes embers id silver for use at the supper Mr and Mrs Ralph Jeni presidents ollowing the supper there will be a brief business ses sion which will be followed by a program for sociability This afternoon At 3 at th home of the president Mrs Ruth Hamer on Mi ing of the the Town Improvement Society will oe neia The Notre cle Daughters of Isabella will meet this evening at 730 at Knights of Columbus hall The business ses sion will be presided over by the are the co Waterville returned to hi hare Saturday and is getUa splendidly Mr and Mrs Seldon Walk DpYtA WWA in A on Mr and Mrs William Ken? Mias stnnr the weekend with her parmtV town Mr and Mr Mrs Lena Perkins and chnn Skowhecan were uttuuiK on her Mr and Mrs Josenh 1 Geore Johnson Mill inArl of OI are in town visiting friends relatives rnxi' Od uiuCS ajld son Alf Saultes snd daughters Jean IIX ri i Ata get Mrs Saultes who has kJ spending a week with her here Mr and Mrs Alton Poland iviury virs Archie and daughter Jacqueline in William Landry were visit Hartland Sunday Miss Geraldine Leo and Geraldine Bilodeau of Skou were in town Sunday evenij friAnHe William Landry Archie Dalals Ajvowi zciiuxe were in rMarth Sunday afternoon calling on friei IT uornxunvc vvuiuj ann iviaunm were visiting friends in SkowheeaC ouiiuay evening Mr and Mrs Laurent uo xxuiia viKneauiL mh Maillet Edward Daiele and Butler were in Rumford Sunday tncy ralolhton 1ls3 The Misses Georgia EteaM" nor Thompson Virginia Grant aw 9 Shirley Bean were in Wilton Sator Mr and Mrs Percy Blackwell anf JC1 yVAllICWU a IiU IVIES QWri Taunton Mass Mr and Mr tv erett Blackwell and daughter Ji Augusta ana Mrs Abbie Blackwe1' have been visiting at the home tvxi ajia mrs roaipn Blackwell the past week Supt 'Arthur Green of Nord nnson was a business visitor faS wxauxsuAi aiiu Anson Monday inc A part of the WPA crew in Majj son ul odLiaivnTQ 1 vuc uuru ciass roaa construction on2 the road from Barren's Corner the Solon line I iS The Christmas Club will Saturday Oct 22 at the home Mrs Leona Macarland The annual chicken pie mwwJpl of the Aid of the Baptk't church will be held Thursday ere ning in the church dining hall 50 to 7 I Quickly Total fy SI fl Sr I i "In zvyfl Hl ilik I mMi 'J 1 9 il i I.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 5538

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.