Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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0 Morning Sentinel Monday November 5 1990 Gulf Continued from Page 1 i week might have strayed into Iraqi territory and that they probably face punishment for their carelessness The new Iraqi vow to keep Kuwait at all costs came only hours after a former Japanese prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone met with Saddam and said the Iraqi president had demonstrated earnestness and serious about seeking peace visit aimed at winning the re lease of Japanese hostages comes as Japa nese lawmakers are considering a plan to send troops to the gulf to join the multinational force arrayed against Saddam The troop deployment proposal has drawn strong criticism from those who say it would violate postwar peace constitution even though the troops would be confined to non combat roles official news agency said Nakasone had told Saddam it was unlikely lawmakers would approve the proposal Nakasone speak ing to reporters made no mention of such as surances but the report underscored the way the hostages can be used as leverage foreign minister complained that efforts by individual nations to win their freedom are eroding unity against Iraq is creating this royal court of all sorts of Western pilgrims who visit him to ob tain the release of the Belgian offi cial Mark Eyskens said in a television interview Sunday in Brussels Sometimes the visitors themselves be lured into political with Saddam which could the united stand against invasion and annexation of he said Belgium requested a special European Community meeting on the matter on Tuesday or Wednesday in Rome The European Community had already tried to discourage a hostage freeing bid by former West German Chancellor Willy Brandt who leaves for Baghdad on Monday Like trip is a private mission with government backing Three of the four Americans freed by Iraq on Saturday ftew into London Sunday night on their way home A US Embassy official in Jordan said the fourth Michael Barner 49 of Woodsworth La made other private ar rangements for returning home ormer hostages Dr Abdul Hamid Kangi 50 an Indian born American from Glencoe Ill Randall Trinh 49 of Hacienda Heights Calif and Raymond Gales a diplomat from the besieged US Embassy in Kuwait were met at Heathrow airport by US officials from the London embassy The three were reluctant to speak to report ers Trinh clutching his stomach said: am too sick to say anything now The main thing I am looking forward to when I get home to the US is to be with my He confirmed he had been held at an un specified installation as part of "hu man policy was he said but he did not elaborate i Some Americans and other Westerners have been held at stategic installations in Iraq to deter any foreign air attack The Europeans freed by Iraq on Sunday were 14 Germans and one Belgian all men The German Embassy said they were granted exit visas after their work contracts ended AMHI Continued from Page 1 ly has refused to accept new patients when its admissions unit is full Robert Glover state commissioner of mental health is expected to ask the Legis lature for funding in January to start the tran sition to community based care But the money may not come soon enough Even if more community hospitals agreed to admit these patients they would first need to hire staff and build locked wards which would require a lengthy review process by state regulators And local agencies and hospitals already are feeling the effects of tighter operations at AMHI without the services in place Reid Scher executive director of the Maine Commission on Mental Health said the system pushes mentally ill people toward a complete breakdown because often that is the only way they can get help Advocates for the mentally ill say homeless people and those who are chronically ill have a harder time getting hospital admission when they seek it than a working person with private insurance who is having a breakdown or I could get a psychiatric stay if we needed said Paul Sheridan clinical di rector of Holy Innocents which provides case workers for people dischargea from AMHI often many ill people are seen as not needing hospitalization a two tiered sys tem and there are not enough beds for every Jackson Brook Institute and St Mary Hospital in Lewiston report that about 20 per cent of the people seeking admission for psy chiatric treatment are being turned away Elizabeth A Sisson vice president for com munications at Jackson Brook said the hospi tal generally operates at capacity and is increasingly seeing more chronically ill pa tients who previously had been sent to AMHI The hospital provides charity care when an empty bed which is rare she said ill people are being pushed out into the said Catherine Sears as sociate director for the Portland Coalition for the Psychiatrically Labeled Sears worked with a coalition member last month who had overdosed on Valium was treated at Maine Medical Center but deiiied hospitalization there She said the man stopped taking his medi cation and became malnourished after not eat ing for 10 days He was refused hospitalization a second time but got the care he needed after the coalition complained to the hospital admin istration Dr Carlyle Voss assistant chief of psy chiatry at Maine Medical Center said his de Cartment has no screening process But the ospital has declined to care for some patients who use the hospital for temporary housing or have resisted treatment during previous stays Baker who arrived in the region Sunday to start his latest Mideast mission said it possible to say now whether the gulf crisis would explode into war main question is what the future he told reporters after visiting with troops in the eastern Saudi desert is something that cannot be answered with any Baker has said he is trying to lay the foun dation for stronger economic and political measures against Iraq including possible mil itary action rench President rancois Mitterrand who met Sunday in Egypt with President Hos ni Mubarak said he hoped it would not come to that powerful countries have to strictly en force toe embargo to avoid a destructive he said referring to UN sanctions against Iraq Mubarak agreed saying toe sanctions were the best means of avoiding bloodshed In Iraq a oreign Ministry source said Sun day two had penetrated Ira qi airspace from Saudi Arabia on Saturday There was no immediate response from US and Saudi officials who have denied reports of similar incursions in the past The Baghdad government stressing its willingness to fight announced Sunday it was recalling some retired army officers to duty It did not say how many Iraq has an estimated 430000 troops in southern Iraq and Kuwait confronting about 300000 troops in toe US dominated multina tional force in toe gulf region About 2500 Syrian troops arrived in Saudi Arabia on Sunday joining an estimated 4000 Syrians aleady deployed as part of the multi national effort They brought with them about 150 tanks the first armor Syria has sent John Coffin4 a manager of toe Tri County Mental Health Service Crisis Intervention Unit in Lewiston said that community hospitals are sometimes unprepared to care for people who are most seriously mentally ill marucaUy aggressive patient may turn an emergency room into an unmanage able Coffin said capacity exist (in emeregency rooms) for that kind of When hospital beds are full in toe state toe Tri County team sends dangerous patients to AMHI even though technically full But he said AMHI doctors may not agree with the crisis diagnosis that toe pa tient is in grave enough condition to warrant hospitalization seen ambulances turned away from Coffin said some cases people are back in toe community This is a horren dous ordeal for toe client and the crisis work I Rothstein said that three weeks ago he was treating a patient who was threatening to kill President Bush and his wife and needed to be committed to a hospital AMHI and Jackson Brook were full Rothstein said he informed the Secret Serv ice of his problem The Secret Service called AMHI which found space for the patient But Rothstein added that in the past two months there have been 25 to 30 other patients who get care immediately or at all ft ft ft tt ''4 7 AP photo Panda pOWOr Basi a giant panda of the uzhou Zoo stands up under the bar as it shows off a special talent of weightlifting in Beijing Sunday Doughnut Continued from Page 1 in toe weight of the doughnut box of doughnuts cannot be one half ounce heavier than toe stamp on toe said toe connoisseur of doughnuts Brann also pointed out that improper fat temperatures can cause a doughnut to be raw in toe center or have to be changed for dough nuts that have a chocolate con tent In a letter presented to Brann at his anniversary party Brann was told all love you Mac Please keep that spirit burning within you That respect and loyalty was earned by spunk and at tention to work Despite a quadruple bypass last year Brann was back to as in two months He enjoys being in the thick of things A desk in the main office put him way out of touch with what was happening said Brann who has moved his desk back into toe work room want to be up by the line I want to know going Brann said Would he recommend work ing at doughnut making? a person works hard shows initiative and shows spunk sure to get ahead He or she should be to work on time and ask Brann said matter how stupid a ques tion may sound ask has everything in his head When not there nothing seems to turn out toe same He just has toe knack of knowing where to turn Mullin said know what do without Three guesses what Brann does with his spare time Cake decorating Said Brann who also enjoys traveling and helping with wood working at toe Boys Club: retire healthy happy Why should I re Officials hope to declare victory in Medfly battle By MICHAEL WHITE Associated Press LOS ANGELES Officials hope to declare victo ry in a long and costly battle against toe Mediterra nean fruit fly this week but they said Sunday toe war against the crop destroying pest over No flies have been found during inspections of traps meant to sample the population ana assess toe threat to toe $18 billion a year farm industry That leads experts to believe toe Medfly is gone for now saia noy uunmngnam chairman ot me state Medfly Science Advisory Panel know people are shipping fruit in all the time illegally but toe infestation from toe previous epi sode is Cunningham said The pest is believed to enter toe state in illegally imported fruit and vege tables State and federal quarantines could be lifted by Thursday or riday officials said But toe long term war will continue through stricter inspection pro grams and a state sponsored search for better traps and lures The quarantines were imposed on movement of fruit from infested areas mostly in urban and resi dential sections of Southern California The big wor ry was that toe flies could spread to agricultural areas in the southern part of the state or to the farm country in toe San Joaquin Valley to the north Slightly smaller than a common housefly toe Medfly lays its eggs in soft skinned fruits causing toe fruit to rot The fly has plagued California farmers since the early 1980s Since July 1989 the state and federal gov ernments have spent $52 million in a program that included aerial pesticide spraying over a 500 square mue area to battle tne stuoDom pest The costliest campaign against toe Medfly began in 1980 when $100 million was spent over 27 months in a statewide eradication effort Quarantin es that kept produce from being shipped out of state cost California farmers another $100 million In the most recent battle some communities were sprayed repeatedly with the pesticide malathion generating a loud public outcry that included law suits and 300 damage claims against the state The protest left officials leery of another pro longed aerial campaign said Gera Curry spokeswo man for the California Department of ood and Agriculture is not our preferred method This is not the best way to do it said Curry no one antic ipated the explosive nature of the infestation last But opponents contend officials are just trying to lull the public into complacency saying victory because it will calm us down but a political said Pat Reichen berger former mayor of the Los Angeles suburb of Monterey Park who opposed aerial spraying over his community think over by any means be Typically infestations are attacked by a single spraying followed by toe release of millions of sterile flies so that propagation declines The state resorted to heavy repeated sprayings last summer after toe supply of sterile flies was ex hausted and infestations continued to threaten Cali fruit industry Just when victory actually is declared depends on the results of recent trap inspections Because toe length of the life cycle varies widely from three weeks to more than a month depending upon weather officials want to be certain toe flies really are gone Curry said Stricter inspection measures will help prevent an other massive aerial spraying campaign Curry said Researchers are convinced the Medfly enters Cal ifornia from fruit and vegetables brought in illegally from Hawaii and Central and South America A bill recently nassed bv the Legislature authorized the de partment to begin regular inspection of plane and ship cargos coming from overseas Curry said Airlines and shipping firms will pay for toe pro gram through user fees Curry said CONTAINS 36 WIPES (8 12 l' I With men and boys at home Tnw 'CONTINS 36 WIP(S i bathroom Touch Upsdfsirrfectantcieaning THE QUICK AND EASY WAY TO KEEP TT 1 1 YOUR BATHROOM RESHAND CLEAN I I I 1 1 III Obits Continued from Page 7 ern A Bouford LEWISTON em A Bou ford 85 of 6A orest St died unx pectedly Saturday at Central Maine Medical Center She was bora Jan 24 1905 in Skowhegan daughter of rank and Nettie (Steward) Akeley She was educated in Skowhegan schools graduating from Skowhe gan High School She also attended Maine Gener al Hospital in Portland graduating in 1927 She was a homemaker for most of her life and worked as a regis tered nurse before her marriage She married Edward Bouffard on March 1 1930 He died Dec 28 1989 Survivors ihclude one daughter Mrs Edward (Beverly) erland of Lewiston two sons Bruce of Au burn and James of Augusta five grandchildren and six great grandchildren Visiting hours are from noon to 1 pm Tuesday at toe ahey or rest uneral Home 101 Pine St uneral services will be 1 pm Tuesday from toe funeral home Interment will be 11 am Wednesday at the Southside Ceme tery in Skowhegam Josephine Russell CORINNA Josephine Ruth Russell 71 died Saturday at a Pittsfield hospital after a period of ill health She was born Aug 29 1919 at Palmer Mass toe daughter of Al bert and Rose (Menard) LaBreck She was night supervisor for years at Monson (Mass) State Hospital In 1967 she moved to Corinna with her husband William She was then employed at Boarding Home until retiring in 1987 Her husband died in 1984 She is survived by four sons Richard Olney of Detroit David Russell of Tacoma Wash Paul Russell of Corinna and Neal Rus sell of Garland one daughter Jan ice Russell of Palmer Mass two brothers George LaBreck of Washington DC and Robert La Breck of Monson Mass eight grandchildren riends called Sunday evening at the Crosby uneral Chapel Graveside funeral services will be held at 10 am Monday at Nut ter Cemetery with the Rev Ed ward Jaworski officiating The every day way to clean your bathroom A Cleans Disinfects Deodorizes MANUACTURER'S COUPON EXPIRES 123190 Disinfectant deanino wines I Look for this product in your bathroom cleaner section CONSUMER: (My ant aopon li watimMN or facfao and oMy tn tpocfad pfavcti and alm fa pay any I fat tax tof ofar Mt coNMfa ftautf RETAILER: fa authorttod to act at our trt and rodoom thb coupon at fact fat an tpocdM faduct Wt wtt fafamo fa for fa fact fat of Wt coufa) pin It if wbrnmod COTpNanct wWi fa 4 Coupon fadtnfaon Poticy teotpofad htfa by fafact ItfaM 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Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.